Dienstag, 17. Februar 2015

[Review] HadaLabo Gokujyun Lotion (Light) & Milky Lotion

Hey pandas,

How are you doing? I'm still fighting with the cold here and busy with university applications and job-hunting -.-
Writing this blog has become a very welcomed and liked distraction. It's really nice to test all those products, research ingredients and write entries like this one =D

So...today I bring you the review of two really hyped products. I almost feel like there's no way around them "^^

Samstag, 14. Februar 2015

Top 3 beauty trends for 2015

Hello pandas,

How are you doing?

So, Beauteque asked bloggers on instagram to write something about what we think are the top 3 beauty trends for 2015 and I thought, why not, it sounds like fund =D

In case you don't know about beauteque, not only are they an online shop for Korean cosmetics but they also have an instagram with very nice staff on it ^^

Dienstag, 10. Februar 2015

[Review] Holika Holika Petit BB Cream in Watery

Hello my pandas,

How are you doing? It's still freezing over here and while I normally doesn't have anything against winter, I wish it would get warmer already...

Today I bring you the review of a product that was honestly a rather impulsive buy:

Watery petit BB provides smoothness and moisture with its green tea ingredients. The glacial millk ingredient cherishing a clear mistique provides oil free, fresh and moist skin. (There it is again...konglish XD)

Montag, 2. Februar 2015

[Review] Mizon All in One Snail Repair Cream

Hello pandas,

How are you doing? It suddenly started to snow again in Germany and it's so cold >____<

Today I bring you the review of a popular product. A product containing snail slime.

What they say:
This original snail mucus takes care of your all kind of skin problems in all in one skin care system on your first skin care step. It repairs tired and aging skin, leaving it refreshed. It also the first protector of your naked skin. (Konglish ftw XD)